Contributed By Dr Thimappa Hegde
Chapter 13
Dr. Thimappa Hegde
Gita Jayanti 2020
Mookam karoti vaachaalam, Pangum langayate girim Yath krupa thamaham vandhe Paramananda Madhavam.
•Jnana Yoga.
•Avastha Traya Viveka
•Pancha Kosha Viveka
•Drik Drishya Viveka
I am different from whatever I experience
•I am not my body
•I am not my mind
•I am the witness of my body and mind
•I function through this body and mind
•It is an instrument
•Whatever happens to my body/mind, will not affect me
1st Fundamental Law of Vedanta
I am different from whatever I experience
Atma Anatma Viveka
Alpha and Omega of Vedanta
I am different from whatever I experience
Atma Anatma viveka
Kshetra Kshetrajna viveka
Drik Drishya viveka
Purusha Prakriti viveka

Contributed by Dr. Netra
arjuna uvāca |
prakṛtiṁpuruṣaṁcaivakṣetraṁkṣetrajñameva ca |
etadvēditumicchāmijñānaṁjñeyaṁ ca keśava || 13.1 ||
Paribhāṣa śabdaḥ

Contributed by Dr. Diwaker
kṣhētrajñaṃ cāpi māṃ viddhi sarvakṣhētrēṣu bhārata|
kṣhētrakṣhētrajñayōrjñānaṃ yattajjñānaṃ mataṃ mama || 13.3 ||
And know Me as the kṣhētrajña in all the kṣhētras, O Bharata. The knowledge of kṣhētra and kṣhētrajña is deemed by Me as true Knowledge

Contributed by Dr Sunder
JNEYAM- The Ultimate Truth of the Universe

jñeyaṁ yat tat pravakṣyāmi
yaj jñātvāmṛtam aśnute
anādimat paraṁ brahma
na sat tan nāsad ucyate 13.12
jñeyaṁ yat?
That which
●Has to be known by all
●Is the ultimate thing to know
●The knowledge among all knowledge
Why is jñeyaṁ so glorious?
yaj jñātvāmṛtam aśnute- jñeyaṁ
Is Jivatma Paramatma Aikya Aparoksha Jnanam
This is the ONLY liberating knowledge
jñeyaṁIS Param Brahma(n)
Brihat - The BIG, all inclusively BIG
anādimat - (Beyond) Free from Time & Space
Dream example

Contributed by Dr. Ravishankar
jyōtiṣāmapi tajjyōtistamasaḥ paramucyatē.
jñānaṅ jñēyaṅ jñānagamyaṅ hṛdi sarvasya viṣṭhitam
It is the light of all lights. It is said to be beyond ignorance. It is knowledge, the object of knowledge, and the goal of knowledge, present in the heart of all.

ज्योतिषामपि तज्ज्योति :
Light is Consciousness Principle
Presence of Light- All is known
Absence of Light - Inert thing- nothing is known
Consciousness principle gives meaning to
Brain, Sense organs, Sun ,Moon, Stars,Lightning
Light of Light — Jyotisham api jyoti
तमस: परमुच्यते।
Sunlight cannot illumine Darkness/ Can take away darkness - Mr. Sun and Miss. Darkness
Light of Consciousness - unique- You can know /be aware of Darkness
Consciousness co - exist with darkness
Param = unopposed= Absolute — is the Light of Consciousness
ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं ज्ञानगम्यं
jñānaṃ jñēyaṃ jñānagamyaṃ
Sat Chit Brahman alone is in form of everything
Formless Existence Consciousness- appears Formed Universe
Intangible energy to tangible matter
Non-tangible Brahman to tangible universe = Jagat Karanam
ज्ञानं ज्ञेयं ज्ञानगम्यं
jñānaṃ jñēyaṃ jñānagamyaṃ

हृदि सर्वस्य विष्ठितम्
Sat Chit Atma is everywhere
Electricity and plug point
Hridi is Mind
I AM is Consciousness
Aware of thoughts and blank mind( no thought)
Conscious Principle

Contributed by Dr. Kiran
upadraṣṭā'numantā ca bhartā bhōktā mahēśvaraḥ |
Param ātmēti cāp yuktō dēhē'smin puruṣaḥ paraḥ || 13.23 ||
पर पुरुष para puruṣaḥ The supreme Puruṣa अिस्मन देहे asmin dehe in this body उक्त इ�त
uktaḥ iti is said to be उपद्रष upadraṣṭā the proximate witness,अनुमन्त anumantā the
permitter, gives permission. भतार bhartā the sustainer भॊक्त bhoktā the experiencer
महॆश्वर च maheśvaraḥ ca the great Lord, अप च परमात्म api ca paramātmā and the
supreme Self
23. The supreme Puruṣa in this body is said to be the proximate witness, the
supporter, the sustainer, the experiencer, the great Lord, and the supreme Self.
Atma Swaroopa
•After Vishwa roopa Ishwara Darshana, Lord Krishna is taking us deeper into Atma Roopa Ishwara Darshana
•It is easy to accept universe as God
•Are we ready to know the God Inside Us?
Buckle Up and Be ready for Journey of Life Time
God In Us- Where is he?

Is Atma an energy? Medium? space? No
Maheśvaraḥ - the Real Lord- Free, Not dependent
Ishvara= Brahman+ Maya
•In His Mere Presence, This world, Body, Mind, Thoughts become enlivened (sānidhya mātrēṇa)
•All energy, space have attributes and limitations but God is beyond limitations – Para
•Because of his blessing- Thoughts- good/Bad becomes sentient, the body- world comes into existence- Anumanta
•Ramanashree Hand story
God alone Exists- Mahavakya
•This is possible only if God Is both
•Same Maheshwara is both Jeevatma and paramatma
•Paramātma iti ukta- MAHAVAKYA.
The supreme Puruṣa (supreme Self) in this body is the real seer, the supporter, the sustainer, the experiencer,
He is Dehi in deha = Sarvam bramhamaya Jagat
Be careful Jeevatma is not equal to paramatma (essential nature- Atma is same)
•He is beyond cause effect and Beyond time-, past, future and Now
•In fact Time and space rests in him
•This Knowledge is not experiential, It is Transformational.
upadraṣṭā'numantā ca
bhartā bhōktā mahēśvaraḥ |
paramātmēti cāpyuktō dēhē'smin puruṣaḥ paraḥ

From Kenopanishad
upadraṣṭā'numantā ca bhartā bhōktā mahēśvaraḥ |
paramātmēti cāpyuktō dēhē'smin puruṣaḥ paraḥ |
kēnēṣitaṁ patati prēṣitaṁ manaḥ kēna prāṇaḥ prathamaḥ praiti yuktaḥ = Anumanta Permitter/Nourisher
Driven by what does the mind descend on things? Enjoined with what does the vital breath operate? Driven by what such words are spoken? What divine force is directing the eyes, ears?
Teacher answers- shrotasya shrotam- He is the Ear of the ear, mind of the mind ,the Speech of the speech, ------- knows the real and gives up self-identification from this body, empirical world , they become one with Brahman
13.24 He who knows thus Puruṣa and prakṛti along with the guṇas, is not born
again, in whatever manner he lives.
Guru Krupa

Contributed by Dr. Komal

Contributed by Ullas
Shanti Patah- Bhadram Karnebihi

•Atharva Veda - Mundaka, Mandukya, Kaivalya Upanishad
•Future = Present Actions + Past Actions
•Prayer for Self Effort and Divine Grace
•Devah and Yajatraha: Presiding deity, devatas
•Bhadram: Auspicious (Spiritually - Brahman)
•Karnebhihi: May I hear auspicious - Shravanam
•Pashyema: May I see auspicious in everything and every being
•Sthirairangai - Physical fitness, mind and intellect.
•stuṣṭuvāmsa - may I appreciate your glories.
•Devahitam Yadayuhu – Enjoy whatever life is allotted
•Svasti Na: Bon Voyage. Bestow well being.
•Principle: praising protector means I am seeking protection.
•Indra: Glorious one … I am seeking to be glorious
•Pusha: Nourisher … I am seeking to be nourished.
Knower of the world … I am seeking knowledge
1.Tarkshyo: Garuda … No obstacles in my spiritual journey
2.Brihaspati: Lord of wisdom … May I have the wisdom.
3.Three Shantis - Full, Limited, No control
Dr. Thimappa Hegde
Story Meditation
To Succeed

Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam
Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om ShaantihShaantihShaantih ||