Contributed By Dr Thimappa Hegde
Gita Jayanthi Classes –GUNATRAYA VIBHAGA YOGAChapter14
Dr. Thimappa Hegde
Gita Jayanti 2020
1st Fundamental Law of Vedanta
I am different from whatever I experience
For example…
•I experience the world -I am not the world
• I experience my body -I am not my body
•I experience my mind - I am not my mind
1st Fundamental Law of Vedanta
In other words
•I am the Kshetrajna & what I experience is Kshetra -13th ch
•I am the Drik /seer and what I experience is Drishyam
•I am the Purusha and what I experience is Prakriti
1st Fundamental Law of Vedanta
•kṣhetrajñaṁ chāpi māṁ viddhi sarvakṣhetreṣhu bhārata
•I am Sathya and what I experience is Mithya
•I am Brahman and what I experience is Jagat
2nd Fundamental Law of Vedanta
•14th chapter of the Gita is Guna Traya Guna Athita Vibhaga Yoga
•All attributes/ gunas I experience belong to the experienced objects and not to me the experiencer the subject-the Atma. I am Gunatitha
I as Atma, am Nirguna
No attributes, infinite
•Time - Eternal, Nithya
•Space - all pervading
•Objects - not limited to this body, I am all
Bhagwan Shri Ramana Maharishi
Naham Deham Koham Soham
Who Am I ?
•I am that which illumines the
•The Sat-Chit-Ananta – The Atma
•Transcending form is the real transformation in Vedanta
Aim of Vedanta
• Self Ignorance is the cause of all my problems
• Correction by realizing that I am not this Body /Mind
•This understanding would release me from the bondage and give me a sense of ANANTA or MOKSHA

•Manobuddhi ahankar
•chittani naaham
•Sivoham Sivoham
•Satsangatve nissangatvam nissangatve nirmohatvam,
•nirmohatve niscalatattvam niscalatattve jivanmuktiH
Contributed by Smt Mamatha
Bhagavad Gita Verse 14.1
paraṃ bhūyaḥ pravakṣyāmi jñānānāṃ jñānamuttamam |
yajjñātvā munayaḥ sarvē parāṃ siddhimitō gatāḥ ||14.1 ||
The Lord said – Once again I shall impart (that) supreme knowledge which is the greatest among all forms of knowledge, and gaining which all sages have reached the supreme goal from here.
Gita 14.01 – Overview

•Importance of the knowledge of Brahman
•Required Qualifications to attain the knowledge
•End result
Gita 14.01 – Atma Jnanam
•Lord Krishna, re-iterates atma jnanam
•Param Uttamam Jnanam
•Param – Greatest reality Atma/Brahman
•Uttamam – End result of the atma Jnanam

Gita 14.01 – Moksha

Seekers with sādhanā catuṣṭaya sampathi
ØWhile Living -> Jeevan Mukti
ØAfter death -> Videha Mukti
Contributed by DR. SANJAY MEHROTRA
BG Chap 14 Verse 5

•Mind and Body complex obtain Sentience because of OC- Original Consciousness (Chidabhasa)
•In Vedantic language, the mind has a subtle nature which is called as Prakriti - this mind body complex + Prakriti which works because of borrowed consciousness is called as – Ahamkara
•What is original consciousness? – It is Sakshi Tatvam
•An individual is a mix of Sakshi and Ahamkara (Body + Reflected consciousness RC)
•Whenever an Individual uses the word ‘I’ – it includes a mixture of Ahamkara and Sakshi.
•The Sakshi amsha is Nirvikara, Nirguna, Satya Tatvam.
•So Krishna wants to tell Arjuna – you are a mixture of Ahamkara & Sakshi. You must differentiate between Gunathitha Sakshi and Saguna Ahamkara.( Nirguna Sakshi & Saguna Ahamkara)
•Ahamkara is your lower nature and Sakshi the higher.
•As long as you remain in Ahamkara only, Samsara cannot be avoided!
Only way is to, transcend your lower Ahamkara nature and own up to your higher Sakshi nature.
•This Ahamkara has 3 gunas, because it is made up of Prakriti – which has these 3 gunas imbedded in it.
•Body Mind complex + Borrowed consciousness = Ahamkara
•What is body mind complex ? – Prakriti, and it has three gunas. So body mind complex would have these 3 gunas: Satvika Ahamkara Rajsik Ahamkara Tamsik Ahamkara
Krishna tells, all these are Samsari Ahamkara!
•In Sanskrit language Gunas mean attribute and also means A rope/shackle- so the word Guna means a Rope which binds you to the world and never allows you to be a free person.
•These 3 gunas are part of Prakriti & are embedded in the Universe. In the Unmanifested universe the 3 gunas are in Equilibrium and are in causal State
•In the Manifested universe there is distribution of the 3 Gunas and are present in both inert and Living.
Satva – Jnana pradhana, makes an individual Cognitive, Intellectually active and interested in acquiring Knowledge. His jnanendriyas and mind is most active.
Rajas – Makes you Karma Pradhana –activity oriented, jnanedriyas are passive and Karmendriyas more active, especially Vak pradhana.
Tamo guna – there is suppression of both the activities, more of inertia.
All these 3 gunas are bound to their attributes and are a limitation.
Athruptikarathvam is common to all the three.
•The Individual has to Transcend the Gunas & Ahamkara and realize the Higher Gunathitha , Nirguna, Sakshi Amsha.
•The three Gunas have to be used as stepping stone to Ascend.
•The 5th verse is an Introduction and analysis would go upto 18th verse
This Dehi – is Ahamkara Pradhana Jiva.
Hari OM!
sarvadvārēṣu dēhē'smin prakāśa upajāyatē |
jñānaṁ yadā tadā vidyādvivṛddhaṁ sattvamityuta || 14.11 ||
14.11 When the light of knowledge grows in all the sense organs in this body, then one should know that Sattva is predominant.

Contributed by Sri ULLAS

Gunas and Bondage•Everything in prakriti has 3 gunas (Ahamkara, mind, body etc.)
•Gunas bind – golden handcuffs or iron ones
•Craving for perfect setup
•Solution - Transcend these gunas – गुणातीत
•Right knowledge -> right identification -> mukti
Even a Jnani’s body or mind is bound by three gunas. Beyond is not something in space or time. Above the heavens or 10 years after. Space is beyond the directions. Vision is beyond the colors.
Switch identification from I am body with C … I am C with incidental body.
Use the body for all the transactions in this world.
Man is in and through SHF but transcends all three…
Characteristics of Gunathitha
Detached from body-mind complex
•Problems of body are not his problem
•Mind still has sattva, rajas and tamas:
•Predominantly Sattvik – fully aware when otherwise
•Doesn’t desire or hate arrival/departure of three gunas
Characteristics of Gunathitha
•Indifferent – doesn’t over react
•Unshaken – fluctuating gunas don’t waver him
•Firm – in the knowledge of interacting gunas
•Balanced - without self criticism
Take home message
•Body, mind have gunas which are binding
•Transcend gunas by right knowledge that I am consciousness
•Doesn’t desire or hate any guna
•Remains indifferent to changes and firm to unchanging knowledge
Contributed by Sri VINAYAKAN

•Detach from body mind complex
•Freedom from worry and anxiety
•Strong and refined mind
•Satvik mind
•Jeevan muktha
•No extreme response to any situations
Accepting one's own body and mind is the indication of guṇāthithatvam
A Jnani is balanced with his own body mind complex
Guṇaiḥna vicālyate
A jnani is not disturbed in the fluctuation of Gunas
Guṇāḥeva vartante
Three Gunas will be there in different compositions
Remains balanced without self criticism and self judgement
Na iṅgate
Not disturbed by any situation
This objectivity with regard to one’s own body and mind, is the indication of Gunathita or a Jnani
Contributed by DR SACHIN

Unravelling Mantra
Contributed by DR ANUPAMA
na tatra sūryo bhāti na candratārakaṁ nemā vidyuto bhānti kuto'yamagniḥ | tameva bhāntamanubhāti sarvaṁ tasya bhāsā sarvamidaṁ vibhāti ||
Essence of the mantra
•ATMA is ever the experiencer – SUBJECT
•ATMA is never the experienced – OBJECT
•In and through all experiences the ATMA is self evident
प्रतिबॊधविदितं मतम्
(pratibodhaviditaṁ mataṁ)
Swayam Prakashatvam
•Atma is self evident
•Atma is compared to light as it illuminates Anatma
•Illumination in Vedanatha à An unknown object is made known
•Illuminator = “LIGHT”
Jyothishyam Jyothi (lights of all lights)
Every sense organ is referred to as Light
Example – Nose - makes smell known
Therefore, Nose is the “illuminator” of smell
The mind – Illumines the sense organs
Therefore, the mind is the “illuminator” of sense organs
The consciousness makes the mind sentient
Therefore, Consciousness is the ultimate illuminator or
Jyothisham Jyothi – Three key words
1.Bhati – Bhanam
2.Anubhati – Anubhanum
3.Vibhati – Vibhanam
Bha = Prakasha = Light
In every cognition – JANAMI – that happens in the waking state – two entities coexist
1.JANA = revelation of the “OBJECT”
2.MI = ME the “SUBJECT”
The process of cognition involves
1. The cogniser (Self evident) = BHANAM
2. The Cognised object known through the process of cognition = ANUBHANAM
Difference between Bhanam and Anubhanam
•BHANAM = I, the atma = unchanging = The Sakshi Chaitanyam
•ANUBHANAM = Anatma = changing
Since they coexist, we erroneously anchor onto the Anatma and drown in SAMSARA
How many illuminators are there?
Only One – THE ATMA
तमेव भान्तं सर्वं अनुभान्ति (tameva bhantam sarvaṁ anubhānti)
Surya Bhati (Self illuminating)
Chandra – Anubhati (borrows luminosity from the sun)
What is the difference between Bhati and Vibhati
•When Atma shines by itself = Bhanam
•The Chit is manifest as Bimba Chaitanyam
•When the Atma manifests through the mind as Pratibhimba Chaitanyam or Chidabasa it is called Vibhanam
Example – during day time the Sun Bhati
- Poornima night the Sun Vibhati
- During susupti (deep sleep) à Atma Bhati
- During waking state Atma illumines the world through the mind = Vibhati
•VIBHATI – Many (Minds)
That Brahman alone illumines directly or indirectly through media
Brahman cannot and need not be Illumined
•Surya na Bhati = The Sun can not illumine
•na Chandra = Neither the Moon
•Na Tarakam = Nor the stars
•Na Vidyuth = Neither the flashes of lightening
•Kutah ayam agni = and definitely not the Fire
None of these can illumine Brahman – “THERE IS NO NEED AS BRAHMAN IS SELF EVIDENT”
Story Meditation
Dr. Thimappa Hegde
Brahma Jnanavali Mala
asango'ham asango'ham asango'ham punah punah saccidAnandarUpo'ham ahamevAham avyayah—2
•Asangoham - Immanent and Transcendental
•Light / Prakasha - Deva
•Space / Akasha
•Atma - Deva Deva or Mahadeva

Illumine but not be affected
•Cigarette smoking is Injurious to Health
Tat Twam Asi
Kar- Natak
Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam
Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om ShaantihShaantihShaantih ||
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