Click Here for Study Material-Introduction to Vedanta by Swami Paramarthananda
Contributed By Dr T Hegde
Gita Dhyana Shloka 1
Contributed By Dr Roopa
Om pārthāya pratibodhitāṁ bhagavatā
nārāyaṇena svayaṁ
Vyāsena grathitāṁ purānamuninā madhye mahābhāratam
Advaitāmṛtavarṣiṇīṁ bhagavatīm aṣṭādaśādhyāyinīm
Amba tvām anusandadhāmi bhagavadgīte bhavadveśiṇīm
O Mother Bhagvad Gita! I constantly meditate upon you, which was taught to Arjuna by lord Narayana himself, which was composed by Vyasacarya, the ancient sage, in the middle of Mahabharatha, which consists of eighteen chapters. Which showers the ambrosial wisdom of Non - duality, which is divine and which is the enemy of samsara.
Pārthāya pratibodhitāṁ
What is Bhagavad Gita?
- Teaching given to Arjuna
Bhagavatā nārāyaṇena svayaṁ
TAUGHT by whom?
- Lord Narayana
Vyāsena grathitāṁ purāna muninā
Complied by whom?
Madhye mahābhāratam
Where has he given this?
- In the middle of MAHABARATAM
What is the content of Bhagavat Gita?
How big is the Bhagavat Gita?
- 18 chapters
- 700 verses
Tvām anusandadhāmi
What does it mean to us?
- To nourish our internal personality
karma yoga - Beginning stages,
Upasana yoga - Later stages, and
Jnana yoga - When you are ready for it.
what are the advantages of learning the Bhagavad Gita?
- Moving from this Samsaara to MOKSHA.
Gita Dhyana Shloka 2
Contributed By Dr. Sanjay Banakal
namō'stu tē vyāsa viśālabuddhē phullāravindāyatapatranētra|
yēna tvayā bhāratatailapūrṇaḥprajvālitō jñānamayaḥpradīpaḥ||2||
Oh Vyāsācārya, with vast knowledge (and) with eyes as large as the petals of a
full-blown lotus! Salutations be to you, by which you has been lighted the lamp
of wisdom, filled with the oil of Mahābhārata.
JNANAM in Vedanta
Aikyam = One-ness
Therefore, JNANAM = JNANAM of Essential Oneness of Jivatma and Paramatma
The very same Atma expresses through Sarira Trayam as Jivatma & through Prapanca trayam as Paramatma.
The question will arise - Why are you not counting the matter ?
Traditionally there are 2 ways to explain this
Method 1 - Scriptures point out that the relationship between Atma & Anatma is of the nature of
Cause & effect
The cause is in-here in the effect.
There is actually no effect other than the cause.
Clay & pot
The Clay is in-here in the Pot
There is actually no Pot other than the clay.
Cause is independently existent = Satyam, while
Effect is dependently existent = Mithya
Therefore matter is “not countable”
Method 2 - Existence of any object presupposes a knower. So matter depends on consciousness / Atma, While Consciousness is self evident
Atma is SATYAM & Matter is MITHYA
Therefore matter is “not countable”
& the only countable is Atma
Therefore there is AIKYAM
Gita 13.3
ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi
sarva-ksetresu bharata
ksetra-ksetrajnayor jnanam
yat taj jnanam matam mama
This knowledge is THE KNOWLEDGE.

“The consistent & systematic study of scriptures for a length of time under a competent Guru”
Clearly, it has to be through a sampradaya and based on the Vedas.
Scriptures are like a mirror which is shown by Guru to reveal our true self, Atma Swarupam
Here I only gather the concepts. I set aside any doubts for later, keeping faith in the validity of teaching and Guru
Here, I reflect upon the teaching, understand more carefully & try to resolve the doubts. If doubts persist I can take the help of Guru.
Questions are encouraged here. Vedanta is not a blind faith
The SAMSAYA having gone, I now have - doubt free conviction regarding my true self – Atma Swarupam.
Still, I keep revisiting my previous self – BMC, which is riddled with emotional problems.
Transforming doubt free conviction to emotional strength.
If Samsara is a problem of ignorance.
Why do we need emotional strength?
Non apprehension of my true self - The Atma (which is ever perfect & ever free from emotional problems), Leads me to…
Misapprehension and false identity with my non self – The Body Mind Complex (Which is never perfect and ever riddled with emotional problems)
The basic problem may be ignorance of my true self,
but I am experiencing emotional problems of my non-self
likes (raga) dislikes (dvesha) desire (kama) anger (krodha)
greed (lobha) delusion (mada) jealousy (matsarya) fear (bhayam)
I (Ahankara) & Mine (Mamakara)
Therefore if my emotional problems are not solved,
It means I have not assimilated the knowledge totally
– such knowledge is of no use.
With nidhidhyasanam the doubt free conviction regarding the self becomes A FACT - available even during emotional turmoil.
And how do I accomplish this transformation?
Problem is the anomaly of Non apprehension - Misapprehension
Solution is to RePaiR this anomaly
RePaiR is an Acronym as understood from the teachings of
Swami paramarthanandaji
Revision of Perspective and its emotional Response – In the Light Of Vedantic Teaching
Right now I am consistently doing Nidhidhyasanam of my BMC - Constantly saying am I so and so…
this is a Vasana or Viparyaya Bhavana.
We must revise this perspective from BMC to true self Atma Swarupam and having revised my perspective, change the emotional response in tune with my new perspective which is ..Atma - Brahman.
When non apprehension disappears misapprehension goes too
Earlier I said Consciousness is not a part product property of body… Now I say…
I am not a part product property of this body mind
I am an independent entity which pervades and enlivens this body-mind
I pervade beyond the boundaries of this body spatially
I continue to persist after this body falls temporally
However, I who pervade beyond such boundaries and persist after the fall of this body am not evident for want of a manifesting media.
ahami nāśabhājyahamahaṁtayā |
sphurati hṛtsvayaṁ paramapūrṇasat (Verse 20 - Upadesa Saaram – Ramana Mahrishi)
When I revise my perspective the true self shines forth spontaneously
Jnana Phalam
Contributed By Dr Sunder
1st à Practical benefit in our daily life - Jivan Mukti,
which means liberated even while living.
2nd à Metaphysical benefit - Videha Mukti,
which means liberation after death.

Svatantratvam - Emotional independence
A worldly person is dependent on external set up
None of these are permanent
Self Knowledge with RePaiR ILOVT results in constant abidance in my true self which is embodiment of HPS. This gives me independence from external set up.
Poornatvam A sense of fulfillment or completeness in life. Contentment.
Through RePaiR ILOVT, I know my true Self as Satchitaananda Swarupa Atma, which is free of all limitations
Samatvam Equanimity
Jnanam does not have the power to make my future favorable, but it will give me the mental ability to face any future.
Self Knowledge is a great shock absorber.
Even in the greatest tragedy does not overwhelm a Jnani.
This is a journey from What?.... So what?
This is a journey to a favorable FIR principle.
What happens to an Ajnani (unenlightened person) after death?
A Jiva comprises 3 bodies: Gross, Subtle and Causal Body.
Definition of Death =
Viyoga (Separation) between Stula Sarira (Gross body) and Sukshma Karana Sarira (Subtle causal bodies)
When an Ajnani dies the Jiva discards the Gross Body, which merges into the 5 elements
Subtle & Causal Body transmigrates and acquires another Gross Body.
This is called Rebirth (Punar Janma). And the cycle repeats itself.
vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya
navani grhnati naro 'parani
tatha sarirani vihaya jirnany
anyani samyati navani dehi
What happens when a JNANI dies?
According to the scriptures at the time of a Jnani’s death,
The Gross Body merges into the Gross Universe,
the Subtle Body into the Subtle Universe, and
the Causal Body into the Causal Universe.
So the Jivatma is now the Atman, losing its individuality. Just as a river loses its individuality when it merges with the ocean.
A Jnani has no rebirth
1. No Sukshma Karana Sarira left to acquire as Stula Sarira
2. Jnanam destroys ALL Sancita karma & since a Jnani is like a ROASTED SEED, no new Agami karmas are produced. He is liberated when all prarabdha karmas are exhausted.
A Jnani is liberated from unhealthy emotional responses while living
& Is liberated from rebirth after death
Gita Dhyana Shloka 3
Contributed By Shyamala
Salutation to Lord Krsna who is with Jñānamudrā, who is like a wish-yielding tree for those who surrender unto him, who has a whip in one hand, and who has milked the nectar of Gītā.

Gita Dhyana Shloka 4
Contributed By Nita

Law of Karma – Results of action & 1st, 2nd & 3rd Principle
Contributed By Dr T Hegde
arjuna uvāca
kiṃ tad-Brahma kimadhyātmaṃ kiṃ karma puruṣōttama|
adhibhūtaṃ ca kiṃ prōktamadhidaivaṃ kimucyatē||8.1||
adhiyajñaḥ kathaṃ kō'tra dēhē'smin madhusūdana |
prayāṇakālē ca kathaṃ jñēyō'si niyatātmabhiḥ || 8.2 ||
adhibhūtaṃ kṣarō bhāvaḥ puruṣaścādhidaivatam |
adhiyajñō'hamēvātra dēhē dēhabhṛtāṃ vara || 8.4 ||

•"Karma" is both action and the consequence of that action
•"What you sow is what you reap”
•Good actions cause Punya
•Bad actions cause Paapa
Be Conscious of the Choices you Make.
• Upper Bird or Lower Bird
•Jeeva atma or Parama atma
•Paramarthika or Vyavahara
Sanchita, Prarabdha and Agami
•All the Punya Pāpams accumulated in the past Janma are called Sanchita Punya Pāpam or Sanchita Adrushtam.
•Sanchita means accumulated.
• And of all those accumulated, a portion alone is ready for fructification . That maturing Adrushtam – Punya Pāpam - is called Prārabdha., it is responsible for the present physical body and world.
•As a human being you do a lot of deliberate actions which will produces fresh Punya Pāpams.
•That fresh acquisitions or earning are called Āgāmi.

Why should we know the law of karma ?
•Most important and unique law of vedic teaching
•Helps us understand the following
Jeevan Mukti
Videha Mukti
Krama Mukti
Rebirth and Freedom from cycle of rebirth
Principles of Laws of Karma
•Every deliberate or will full action
•Produces 2 forms of results/ phalam
•Visible/ Dhrishta phalam
•Invisible/ Adhrishta phalam
Invisible Adhrishtam
2 types:
Su Adhrishtam = Punyam
Dur Adhrishtam = Paapam
When does an action becomes punyam or paapam
•Scriptural injunction
•What scriptures/ shastras encourage = punyam/ prohibit = paapam
•The result depends on the motive behind the action

Proof of Vedanta.(Uses)
Explains the disparity and differences between living beings
Helps in accepting inexplicable difficulties – I am responsible for all my results due to my own actions, either in recent or previous janmas
Faith in god will not be shaken if I accept the law
I can take responsibility of my future – take charge of my life – my future situation will depend on my present action – thus I influence my future
Answers the question – why many good people are suffering and corrupt are enjoying
Explains the disparity and differences between living beings
Accept and make the most of Prarabdha
Take responsibility.
Don’t complain.
Use for spiritual growth.
All shall be well.
Higher Self.
Avoid Agami Karma.Karma Yoga ( Skill )
buddhiyuktō jahātīha ubhē sukṛtaduṣkṛtē |
tasmādyōgāya yujyasva yōgaḥ karmasu kauśalam || 2.50 ||
Oh Arjuna! Action (with motive) is indeed far inferior to karmayōga. Take
refuge in karmayōga. Those who are motivated by results are unfortunate.
Destroy Sanchita.
yathaidhāṁsi samiddhō'gnirbhasmasāt kurutē'rjuna|
jñānāgniḥ sarvakarmāṇi bhasmasāt kurutē tathā||4.37||
Oh Arjuna! The fire of knowledge reduces all Karmas to ashes just as a wellkindled
fire reduces the fuel to ashes.
Jalaluddin Rumi the greatest Sufi says,
"These three words contain my whole life.“
I was raw, now I am cooked and burnt.
Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-IdamPuurnnaat-Purnnam-Udacyate
PuurnnasyaPuurnnam-AadaayaPuurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om ShaantihShaantihShaantih ||