1.Have spiritual goal as primary priority of your life
2.Eshwara arpana budhi – dedicate all your actions as an offering to lord so that you do not hate any of the duties you perform. Do not segregate as pleasant and unpleasant work or job
3.Niraasir: means be prepared for all types of future situations for future is not in your control. It does not mean that you leave everything to the fate!
4.Nirmamaha: Freedom from mamakara. When you become successful, be humble and demonstrate utmost humility. Treat the credit you received as the grace of god.
5.Vigatajvaraha: Maintain mental poise, mental balance or equanimity. If the first 4 are followed, the 5th is guaranteed.
Significance of Karma Yoga
Mahyi sarvani karmni, sanyasyadhyathma cetasa
Niraasir nirmammo bhutva, yudhyasva vigataswara
Gita 3.30
Five factors to become a karma yogi
1.Have spiritual goal as primary priority of your life
2.Eshwara arpana budhi – dedicate all your actions as an offering to lord so that you do not hate any of the duties you perform. Do not segregate as pleasant and unpleasant work or job
3.Niraasir: means be prepared for all types of future situations for future is not in your control. It does not mean that you leave everything to the fate!
4.Nirmamaha: Freedom from mamakara. When you become successful, be humble and demonstrate utmost humility. Treat the credit you received as the grace of god.
5.Vigatajvaraha: Maintain mental poise, mental balance or equanimity. If the first 4 are followed, the 5th is guaranteed.
Source- Swami Paramarthananda Talks
Pancha MahāYajnāha
Contributed By Shri Shivakumar