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Chapter 13: Kshetra- Kshetragnya Vibhaga Yoga. summary and Slides
In Bhagavad Gita
Peruvemba Subramanian Ramachandran
Nov 03, 2020
Thanks very much Sir.
Existence principle
In Discussion and feedback
Chapter 12: Bhakti Yoga: Summary and Slides
In Bhagavad Gita
Peruvemba Subramanian Ramachandran
Oct 29, 2020
Great Sir. May all the blessings be on you and Yours.
Chapter 11: Vishwaroopa Darshana Yoga, Summary and Slides
In Bhagavad Gita
Peruvemba Subramanian Ramachandran
Oct 29, 2020
Great! Thanks as always.
Chapter 5 summary and slides Karma Sanyasa Yoga
In Bhagavad Gita
Peruvemba Subramanian Ramachandran
Oct 21, 2020
Thanks very much.
Query from a participant: Related to Perfect God's creation of imperfect world.
In Discussion and feedback
Peruvemba Subramanian Ramachandran
Oct 21, 2020
Copied from transcript of Swami Paramarthananda's classes. 13th chapter, 2nd sloka. Jagad-vaicitrya-upalabdhē-ca; we see differences in the entire creation; disparity; so some jivās have got health; some jivās are born with diseases; some of them are sick; some are healthy; even dog, there is one street dog with all kinds of diseases and no one to take care of them; and there is another dog which has got sweater and which drives in air-conditioned benz with head and tongue out; so even among dogs there is difference. These differences cannot be created by Bhagavān; because Bhagavān being impartial and Bhagavān cannot be the cause for disparity; if Bhagavān is the cause of disparity then Bhagavān will become partial; therefore, for this disparity there must be a cause. And what must be the cause; dharma and adharma cause must be there and that is called saṁsāra. Therefore, he says; jagat vaicitrya upalabhdē; vaicitryam means disparity; vicitrasya bhavah vaicitraym; upalabhdē means we experiencing; this is the clue, hētu for inference; for anumana pramāṇam you always require hētu; what is the hētu; jagat vaicitriyam is the hētu; like smoke is the hētu for inferring what; the invisible fire. Similarly, disparity among people is the visible hētu for making the inference of the invisible factor; what is the invisible-factor which is sādhyam is dharma-adharmaḥ can be inferred; puṇyam and pāpam can be inferred. That is why in our culture if anybody is have good time we say he is puṇyvān. Puṇyam we cannot see but we infer; once we infer puṇyam we can infer what; suddenly one day, migrane, pāpam also. Therefore, dharma adharma is inferred; and once you inferred dharma-adharma; dharma-adharma-nimittaḥ-saṁsāraḥ api we can infer; saṁsāra also which is caused by dharma and adharma. And you don't know which time puṇya will fructify and which time pāpam will fructify; it is like the Damocles sword; pāpam hangs above our head and we don't know when it will fall;that is called saṁsāra, which can be inferred. Not only it is pratyakṣa-virōdhā not only it is anumāna-virōdhā; it is śāstra virōdhā also. That we have to borrow from the previous paragraph. Śāstram also looks upon jīvā is samsāri only.
Meditation and experiences
In Discussion and feedback
Peruvemba Subramanian Ramachandran
Sep 29, 2020
Yes. It was correctly said that meditation is not for those experiences. In fact that there are lot of misconceptions of meditation; sitting with closed eyes trying to restrain the mind, etc. are not at all meditations; meditation is not Act. It is just a 'happening'; it is an effect; it cannot be a cause; one cannot make it happen; it should be sahajam; involuntary; It happens by the quality of one's life lead 24x7x365x many many years; yad bhavam tad bhavathi; where you thoughts are always most of the waking hours? whether it is conscious, spontaneous, etc. That mediation is a state reached by following karma-yoga life style; and that too nishkama-karma-yoga for deades and decades. So therefore one cannot practice 'meditation'; though you may attend courses selling meditation for 1000 Dollars; highfi gurus flying with their own aircrafts with their witchcrafts, with wi-fi zoom classes, cannot teach meditation; (keep away from all of them, when anyone talks of teaching meditation, run as fast as you can from that source). Step-by-step following Nishkaama-karma-yoga; one glides into it; as in a conveyor-belt to the next stage. It cannot be a pole-vault, even without the vault; Be wary of mystics and mystic experiences; because they do not tick normally! One gets caught in its power and they are road-blocks to spirituality. The mystics can only guide you generally and not specifically; there is no short cut to meditation. Stick to traditional teachers and traditional teaching of vedanta, like these classes; and take a sincere effort to allot quality time daily for study under a teacher and also self-study and do regular introspection of our thoughts and actions; that is called mindful-living; alert-living viz-a-viz. a let-living, i.e. that is your senses decide what you should do each moment (in malayalam and Tamil there is a phrase for these characters who live every thought that arises in their waking hours, that is the mind-lead, our elders classify them 'Tan-thoni'; a rowdy-type-character who never listen to elders or their own mind for sense of values, means a follower of the mind without any restraint or even awareness. That is where the picture of ratha kalpana of the Gita borrowed from the Kathopanishad comes in; also the example of the tortoise from the 2nd chapter; kurmoangani sarvasaha. This is what is the significance of the kurma below the dvaja-stampa in some temples or the kurma-arathi-lamp in the puja room; i.e., before entering the spiritual-temple, one should be sense-controlled, with a sthira mathih, like the kurma who never lets out its anga where it senses danger! That is not the external-temple, in Balaji or Guruvayoor or Badrinath or Kasi; it is within. Therefore, do not even wish for these mystical experiences in dream itself! Swami Vivekananda and other great masters have all come in this life with tons of carry forward vasanas or gunas from many past lives; and so let us keep them for inspiration as the goal; and we also can, if our direction is right and the right-effort appropriate, reach it in this life itself. That's why Swami Paramarthananda always stresses: Consistent and systematic practice under the guidance of a competent acharya, for a length of time.
Chapter 1 summary and slides Arjuna Vishada Yoga
In Bhagavad Gita
Peruvemba Subramanian Ramachandran
Sep 14, 2020
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Peruvemba Subramanian Ramachandran
Sep 13, 2020
Great! The rest are being edited?
Greatness Of Gita
In Bhagavad Gita
Peruvemba Subramanian Ramachandran
Sep 12, 2020
Thanks very much
Chapter 4 summary and slides Jnana Karma Sanyasa Yoga
In Bhagavad Gita
Peruvemba Subramanian Ramachandran
Sep 05, 2020
Thanks for the slides and the notes.
Chapter 3 Karama Yoga Summary Slides Arjuna’s Dilemma-Karma Yoga v/s Jnana Yoga?
In Bhagavad Gita

Peruvemba Subramanian Ramachandran

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