Contributed By Dr Thimappa Hegde
Summary of Previous Class
Contributed by Dr. Diwakar

Contributed by Dr. Thimappa Hegde
Om Akhanda Manadalakaram
Vyaptam yena Charaacharam
Tadpadam Darshitam Yena
Tasmai Sri Guruve Namaha
•Akhaṇḍa-maṇḍalākāram vyāptam yena carācaram- That which pervades the entire creation both moving and unmoving.
•Tat padam darśitam yena, tasmai śrī gurave namah- To that benevolent Guru through whom that state was revealed (to me), salutations.
Qualifications Required4 D
1. Vivekaha - discrimination 2. Vairāgyam - dispassion 3. Mumukshutvam - desire 4. Shatka Sampattihi - discipline
Gita Chapter 9
rāja-vidyā rāja-guhyaṁ pavitram idam uttamam
pratyakṣhāvagamaṁ dharmyaṁ su-sukhaṁ kartum avyayam

Sadhana Chatustaya Sampathi – Discrimination, Dispassion and Desire for Moksha
Contributed by Dr. Komal Prasad

Samaadhi Shatka Sampathi – 6 fold discipline
Contributed by Dr. Ravishankar
Fourth Qualification

Karma Yoga + Upasana Yoga = Saadhana chatushtaya sampathi
Preparation for Jnana yoga.
6 - Treasures
Inner discipline

Sharira Trayam – Three bodies
Contributed by Dr. Sanjay Mehrotra
What is Vedantic Knowledge & why do we need such a knowledge?
Human nature is curiosity, Natural curiosity –JignyasaPravriti!
•What is this creation, how did it start?
•Is there God? Where is He ? Why did He create this world??
•What will happen to me after my death?
The two kinds of Vidya / Knowledge
1. All the knowledge/study, we do in life to work, earn money, get a position & pride is called as Apara Vidya – study of physics, chemistry & study of humanities etc.
2. All knowledge, obtained to understand life – Who you are, what is Atma, what is God? is - Para Vidya -Higher knowledge – contained in Upanishads, Bhagwat Geeta etc.
Tattva bodha, is a ‘Prakarana Grantha’ provides this!!
Our body is divided into various parts – as doctors we study various parts/organs to understand it.
Shastras also divide the Anatma part of the body into 3 parts –
The 1st one is called as Sharira trayam – which has 3 divisions
The 2nd is called as Kosha Panchakam - which has 5 components
And the 3rd is called as Avastha trayam – which has 3 parts
Here, I shall explain the Sharira Trayam .
Sharira Trayam
Gross body or sthula shariram is part of a description called Sharira trayam which means three fold body of a human being -
Sthula shariram – Gross body
Sukshma shariram - Subtle body
Karana shariram - Causal body
What is the function of the body?
Function is to carry the Atma – this combination is called as Jivatma.
What is the Nature of the sthula shariram ?
The gross body a temporary abode - can be compared to a house on lease!
Body is subject to a continuous change/ modifications - Shadvikarah
Asti Potential existence in the womb
Jayate Is born into the world
Vardhate Grows upto a certain age
Viparanimate Stays in one shape up-to a certain age.
Apakshiyate Decays and disintegrates
Vinashyati Perishes or dies, decays and merges into the panchabhutani
This is the physical body – etat sthula shariram
•Why do we call it subtle ? Not perceptible to sense organs of others. Indriya- agocharam.
•Mind ( where is our mind located?) Is the mind perceptible to others? – No !!
How is the subtle body created ?
Created by same five elements but they are in subtle form!
One more aspect is added in subtle body - Karma phala – Papa and Punya.

•Sukshma shariram - goes through experiences, creates memories, like & dislikes, happiness & unhappiness – gives identity/name - Jeevatma which gets a sense of me /mine.
What happens after death?
•Gross body goes through modification Shadvikaras – Apaksheeyate & Vinashyati – goes to Gross elements
•Sukshma shariram – Long lasting – travels many lives – another body, goes through the same process of Karta – Bhokta –creates Papa & Punya
Goes through Punarapi jananam punarapi maranam!
What is Karana Shariram/ Causal Body?
Seed form of both Gross body + Subtle body -Karana shariram
It is ever lasting!
What is before creation and after destruction of the universe ?
Pralayam – In scientific language – Singularity – That is nothing ness – no mind, no object, no knowledge – gross and subtle is in seed form.

Avastha Trayam
Contributed by Dr. Kiran

Three states of experience. The world this body mind package experiences is not one
1.Jagrat-avastha, the waking state
2.Swapna-avastha, the dreaming state
3.Susupti-avastha, the deep sleep state
Simple eg is water which is in liquid, Ice and vapour states
Each are different from each other but same water molecule runs thru all three states
We will study under
Condition of the mind in each state of experience
Nature of the experience.
Dominant medium
JāgratAvasthā – Waking State
•Waking state- Mind is fully functional . All faculties are functioning – the emotional, rational, thinking, ego and memory .
•I is identified with all three bodies
•Experience external
•Gross body- counter of experience is open. Transaction happen through it- So experiences appear to be external (on careful examination even body experiences such as pain, breathing is perceived as outside)
•Self identifies with physical body (Sthula Sharira) only in this state (Vishwa- vaishwanara)
Medium or tool
Sense-organ based experience.
Doership and enjoyer- kartha and Boktha
Appears real- it is a concrete tangible world .
It is available for all other people also. Is an objective experience. Consistent and continuous
Due to memory- imprints are created. As a result we become attached to objects and experiences- Vasana
Jagaritah Sthanah- Bahish prajnah- Mandukya 3
Dream or swapna
Self identifies with mind complex (subtle Body- Taijasa) only, but note physical body is required
Memory faculty alone is functioning.
Like a VCP, to replay various combinations from memory- projected while in sleep
No new experience is possible
Full fledged, but internal (anthah Prajnah)- others can’t see
Here enjoyer is also created by mind
No doership- only enjoyership
Dream world
Not always Rational wrf waker world
How much we like to believe - we will never have dream of a thing which we have never experienced.
Suppressed Vasanas or imprints spring up in dream often- Jung, sometimes even memories from previous janma can spring up
Non continuous and inconsistent
Deep sleep
State of “I did not know anything”
No dreams also, occurs as part of sleep cycle.
Self identifies - Causal body or Karana Sharira/ Prajna
In this state – I know Nothing- No external experiences, no memory – BLISSFUL IGNORANCE.
One experiences absence of all objects, emotions and thoughts
So when woken up – I Say “I SLEPT WELL”
No experiences- but Small amount of ego runs through
Experience becomes- One homogenous mass of awareness

Kosha Panchakam
Contributed by Smt Mamatha
Pancha Kosha
tasmād vā etasmād anna-rasa-mayāt
anyo 'ntara ātmā prāna-mayah tenaisha pūrnah |
Kosha Panchakam– Overview
•Scriptural reference –
•Taittiriya Upanishad - 2.2.1
tasmād vā etasmād anna-rasa-mayāt
anyo 'ntara ātmā prāna-mayah tenaisha pūrnah

Kosha Panchakam – 5 Layers
1 Annamaya Kosha – Food layer
Body Anatomy
Born and nourished by food or Annam
2 Prānamaya Kosha – Energy Layer
Functions of the anatomy of the body.
10 organs: Pancha Prānāhā (five-fold energy functions) +
Pancha Karma Indriyāni (5 organs of action)
Pancha Prānāhā lends energy to the 5 organs of action
3 Manomaya Kosha – Mind layer
Mind – Iccha shakti
Emotions, doubts, thoughts
6 Organs: Pancha Jnāna Indriyāni and the mind
4 Vijnānamaya Kosha – Intellect Layer
Intellect – Jnāna Shakti
5 organs: Pancha Jnāna Indriyāni and buddhi
or the intellect
5 Ānandamaya Kosha – Mind layer
Unconscious personality
Unknown form of Emotions, problems, thoughts
Blissful state
Individual – Functional Division
Gross Body (Sthula Shareeram)- Annamaya Kosha
Subtle Body (Sukshma Shareeram)- Prānamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha, Vijnānamaya Kosha
Causal Body (Kārana Shareeram)- Ānandamaya Kosha

Glimpse of next week’s topic
Dr. Thimappa Hegde
Next Week
•Jiva Ishwar Aikya
•Law of Karma
Prátah smarámi
Prátah smarámi hrudi samsphuradátmatattvam
Saccitsukham paramahamsagatim turèyam
Yatsvapna jágarasussuptamavaiti nityam
Tadbrahma niskalamaham na cha bhutasañgha. 1
The nature of Atma, the real I, as revealed by the Upanishadic scriptures
•Prāta smarāmi hr̥di saṁ sphurad
ātma tattvaṁ
•Saccitsukhaṁ paramahaṁsa gatiṁ turīyam |
•Yat svapna jāgara suṣuptim avaiti nityaṁ
•Tatbrahma niṣkalam ahaṁ na tu bhūtasaṁgha:
Tat Aham Asmi. Bhootha Sangah na Aham Asmi.
The Atma is the sakshi chaitanyam, the witness consciousness which is always available in the mind, as avasthaathraya sakshi, the experiencer of the three states.
That Atma is called Turiyam, from its own standpoint
That Atma is nishkalam brahma.
Paramahamsa gathih means the goal of sanyasis is Turiya or Moksha a theevra mumukshu
That hrdee samspurath Atma tattvam
That Sat Chit Sukham
prátar namami tamasah paramarkavarnam
Pürnam sanátanapadam purushottamaakhyam
Yasminnidam jagadaseshamaseshamurtau
Rajjvaam bhujamgama iva pratibhasitam vai. 3
•The best way to do namaskara
•In the form of Aikya Smaranam
•In Saddarshanam Ramana Maharishi says,
•Brahma smaranam is Brahma nishta
•Dissolving the meditator is the ultimate form of meditation
•Tamasah param - beyond , Asangaha
•That which illumines the very ignorance itself
•I don’t know means - I know that I don’t know.
ArkaVarnam, Poornam , Sanathanapadam
• Arka Varnam.
•It is self effulgent, self evident, self proven, like the sun
•Swaroopa prakasha and not aganthuka prakasha
•Poornam means full and complete,
•All our struggle is for physical or emotional or intellectual incompleteness
•Claim that purnatvam is my nature and apornatvam is an assumption.
•Sanathana padam – and this is one goal which is eternal.
Purushothama15th Chapter of the Gita
Kshara Purusha refers to the whole universe or matter in visible form, in concrete form - during srishti.
Akshara Purusha- at the time of pralaya, dissolution, the whole matter will go back to unmanifest condition
Unmanifestation is called destruction of matter.
Manifestation is called creation.
There is no actual creation or destruction.
The third entity is the sakshi chaitanyam, which does not undergo any change at all the Uttama Purusha
•Drg-drshya vivekah. By this, we have indirectly accepted that there are two things.
•Duality means fear, desire, struggle.
•Upanishads say, atma the chaitanyam is the kaaranam, the cause.
•Anatma, the material universe is karyam, the effect.
•Any effect or product does not exist separate from or independent of the cause.
•Idham ashesham jagat. There is no substance called universe.
•What is the substance? Atma only. *
Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam
Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om ShaantihShaantihShaantih ||
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