Contributed By Dr T Hegde
Chapter 9 Rāja Vidyā Raja Guhya Yoga
•God as the Creator
• Superhuman, remote, and that seeing God will give us fulfillment.
• What is the right form?
• Only then our attempts will be in the right direction.
• “With what material did God create this world?”
• God used the material from within Himself to create the world.
• Two aspects of God the intelligent (chetana) and material (achetana)
Vibhuthi is the ability to see God in the world.
Vishwa Roopa Ishwara darshana is the ability to see the world as God
Stepping stone to Aroopa Ishwara.
Work on dislikes, hate, can't stand this
•God is now viśvarūpa-Īśvara darśanam.
•All the glories in this creation will be the glory of Īśvara.
•Viśvarūpa is too vast to conceive of and meditate upon.
• He wants a few symbols to invoke the Lord with.
•The glories of God is called the Vibhūti Yoga.
aum brahmavid
apnoti param,
tad esa, abhyukta,
satyam jnanam anantam brahma,
yo veda nihitam guhayam parame vyoman,
so, asnute sarvan Kaman saha,
brahmana vipasciteti,
Sat eva Chit and Chit eva Sat.
Vedanta says that Existence (Sat) and Consciousness (Chit) are one and the same .
Sat Chit Ananda
Sat (pure Existence) pervades the universe
We experience the world of objects and come to know of the world existing in front of us. (Body/mind)
Anything that does not exist cannot be experienced.
Therefore, it is clear that the world which is experienced by us has to be “existent”. Is
Existence (Sat) as Paramatma andthe Consciousness (Jhit) as jivatma
•Our scriptures refer to this existence (Sat) as Paramatma and to the consciousness (Chit) as Jivatma.
•The recognition of this teaching alone is known as Jivatma-Paramatma aikyam/ oneness
Introducton - Nirguna Ishwara Swarupam
Contributed By Apeksha
bhūya ēva mahābāhō śṛṇu mē parāmaṃ vacaḥ |
yattē'haṃ prīyamāṇāya vakṣyāmi hitakāmyayā || 10.1 ||
The Lord said --- Oh Arjuna! Once again may you listen to My supreme words which I, wishing your welfare, shall tell you who are delighted.
The Immanence and Transcendence of God
VishwarupaIshwara Swaroopa CHAPTER 10 – SHLOKA6
Contributed By Dr. Sandhya Ravi
God Alone has manifested in the form of the entire universe
Para ( material ) + Apara ( consciousness)
Concept of God moves from
Inferred to Percieved
Paroksha to pratyaksha
Nimitta Karanam to Abhinna Nimitta Upadhana Karanam
So he is the cosmic architect. Other than him there is nothing; no time, no space, so there is no question of searching for material cause
A Seeker’s questions
Gita Dhyana Shloka - 8
Contributed By Veeksha
Contributed By Dr. Sandhya Ravi
yam brahmA varuNendra rudra maruta: stunvanti divyai: stavai:
vedai sAnga padakramOpanishadair gAyanti yam sAmagA |
dhyAnAvastita tatgatena manasA pasyanti yam yOginO
yasyAntam na vidhu surA suragaNA devAya tasmai nama: ||
No Ordinary God
The Transcendental Entity – the very essence of the Universe
Brahma, Varuna, Indra,Rudra , Maruts- Divyasta Vaihi Stunvanti
Eulogize with divine praises
Vedai sAnga padakramOpanishadair gAyanti yam sAmagA
The Samagana Exponents sing in praise through the vedas, vedangas Upanishads
DhyAnAvasthitha tatgatena manasA yoginah yam pashyanti
whom the Yogis perceive in their minds during their dhyAna avasta with Him as the only refuge
YasyAntham surA suraganA na vidhuh
whose limitlessness even the devAs and devAganAs know not
Introduction of ParamAtma
Bhakti and UpAsana
Our well being and our spiritual inclinations are always guided by and towards the ParamAtma only.
Benefit of Viswarupa Ishwara Bhakti
Contributed By Dr Komal Prasad
tēṣāmēvānukampārtham ahamajñānajaṃ tamaḥ |
nāśayāmyātmabhāvasthō jñānadīpēna bhāsvatā || 10.11 ||
Out of compassion for them, I remaining in their intellect, destroy the
darkness born of ignorance by the brilliant light of knowledge.
Arjuna’s Namakam & Chamakam
CHAPTER 10 – SHLOKA 12, 17
Contributed By Dr Sunder
Arjuna’s Wish
Krishna earlier revealed - Everything is himself & one who knows this will gain Jnanam
So Arjuna is very much interested, to know the Lord glories, before that he praises the Lord
āhus tvām ṛṣayaḥ sarve
devarṣir nāradas tathā
asito devalo vyāsaḥ
svayaṁcaivabravīṣi me 10.13
kathaṁ vidyām ahaṁ yogiṁs
tvāṁ sadā paricintayan
keṣu keṣu ca bhāveṣu
cintyosi bhagavan mayā 10.17
Ishwara Vibhuti – Chit, Sat & Saguna Vibhutis
CHAPTER 10 – SHLOKA 20, 21 & 39
Contributed By Ullas
Om Puurnnam-Adah Puurnnam-Idam
Puurnnam-Eva-Avashissyate ||
Om ShaantihShaantihShaantih ||
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